Why shoot with natural light?

There are several reasons why natural light may be preferred for boudoir photography:

  1. Natural light often creates a softer and more natural look, which can be more flattering for portraits.

  2. Using natural light can help to create a more relaxed and comfortable atmosphere for the subject, which can lead to better expressions and poses.

  3. Natural light is often more directional, creating shadows and highlights that can add depth and dimension to the image.

  4. Using natural light can also be more cost-effective, as it does not require the use of expensive studio lighting equipment.

However, it's important to note that both natural light and studio lighting have their own unique characteristics and can be used effectively in different situations. It's ultimately up to the photographer to decide which lighting approach will work best for a particular shoot.


Am I to old for a boudoir shoot?


RedRoom Boudoir