How to “Look Sexy” in 4 Steps

First off Relax! It’s hard to look sexy when you are trying too hard, so loosen up. The photographer will help you get it right.

Step 1. Close your eyes and take a deep breath. This look can be very sexy in photos and its easy!

Step 2. The mouth, first off there is nothing more sexy than a genuine smile! But for a more sensual look breath through your mouth but with your teeth still touching and your lips slightly parted in the middle this will give you a pouty look.

Step 3. The smirk, think of a dirty little secret you don’t want anyone to know. It’s the “I know something you don’t know” look.

Step 4. The eyes! The windows to the soul they say. Try to look towards the light find a window to get the glimmer, For something more intense look directly at the camera for that fierce come to me my love! look, and then there is the side eye, use those bedroom eyes and peer at the camera from the side think Spy Eyes look with your eyes and not your head. Look off to the side for that innocent playful look.

Extra Credit: The Smize coined by Tyra Banks. To smile with your eyes! To Smize relax your face and jaw, slightly squint while lifting your cheeks but don’t smile. Now look at something you want fiercely.



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